“Just.. Just leave me alone. I’ve heard
enough of your excuses. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Ever. Again” I
spoke as calmly as possible as I watched Julian crumple in front of me.
“I never meant to hurt you..” I heard him whimpered from behind his mop of hair.
“And what exactly made you think cheating on me wouldn’t hurt me, huh?”
He fell silence & I took that as an
invitation to leave his apartment. I felt the tears I had been
withholding fall down my face as I heard him silently sobbing into his
couch. It was his loss. He deserved what I had dished out at him &
nothing he said now could help. We had been dating for 1 1/2 years now &
I had caught him with some girls. I was at my car now & I could barely catch my
breath, the tears were streaming down my face so violently. I was going
in hysterics, it had taken me at least 10 tries to push the keys into
the ignition I was shaking to terribly.
When I finally got home, I ran to my room
& spent the rest of my night crying myself to sleep, hoping that
God would give me mercy. I shut off my phone, turned off my computer
& locked my door.
I was awoken the next morning by a group
of police men at my door. My groggy mind took a moment to register the
situation they were explaining to me with sorrow faces.
“.. we found him in his bathroom,
clutching a picture of you for dear life with a small note attached.”
They looked down for a minute while they pulled the small crumpled paper
out for me to see.
right. You deserve better. What I did to you was unthinkable & I
know you’re a smart girl, you know better than to get back with me.
After you didn’t answer my calls it became clear to me that I would
never be able to move on. “Because nothing feels like home, you’re a thousand miles away & the hardest part of living is just taking breaths to stay.”
I love you forever & always.
I looked up into the police officers eyes
as I felt myself lose control & collapse on my front door step.
Sobbing, begging, pleading for this to all be a stupid joke. The
officers took a deep sigh & gave me a soft shake of the head.
“I’m sorry for your lose. Truly, I am
sorry” They spoke as kind as their voices would allow before turning on
their heels & heading back towards their cars.
“NO. No. It was only a stupid fight.
He’s still back on his couch. Waiting for me to come back & let
myself back into his arms. No. You’re lying. NO.” I began to choke on
the words as they tried to escape my mouth. I sat for what seemed like
an eternity on my front doorstep, clutching the necklace he had given
me for our one year anniversary. I lifted my head slowly remembering a
part of the letter he had written me. “After you didn’t answer my
calls”. I crawled to my phone as fast as my weak body would allow &
pressed the voice mail button.
I lost the little control I had over my body as I heard his broken voice before he left me one last time.
“By the time you hear this, I guess I
won’t really be around. Oh god. I don’t know what to say. I’m so
sorry. I won’t ever be able to forgive myself, even if you ever did. I
can’t .. I can’t live with myself.” he broke into sobs the line ran
dead. My shaking hand dropped the phone onto the cool tile floor while I
gathered the strength to pull my body off the kitchen floor. I
stumbled towards my bathroom & scrambled to open the razor box i saw, scars and scars appeared, I felt the life
draining from my body.
“I love you forever & always. Without you I’ll be miserable at best”
My eyes rolled back & I counted down my heartbeats before I could see him again.
Author's note: tragis bgt, masa dua"nya bunuh diri .__. #aishh
Kok keren? #bukan #gagitu Woi, buat satu lagi *woi*, kali ini cewenya yang bunuh diri duluan atau terserah, aku mau lihat dulu gimana(?)~ #gagituao